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Register for Hack@CEWIT 2024

Registration for Hack@CEWIT 2024 is now closed

Important Registration Reminders

  • All Hack@CEWIT 2024 registrants must reside in the U.S
  • All Hack@CEWIT 2024 registrants must be currently enrolled in a college/university as an undergraduate, graduate, or PhD student.
  • Projects cannot be resubmitted from previous hack events
  • Hack@CEWIT 2024 will be held in-person at the CEWIT building at Research and Development Park, Stony Brook University
  • We will do our best to accommodate all food allergies/preferences. However, if your food allergy is severe, we suggest you bring your own food to the event. 
  • The CEWIT building will be locked after 8PM during the event. If you need to leave the building for any reason, please inform a CEWIT staff member so they can let you back into the building.