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Dantong Yu, Ph.D.

Associate Professor in Martin Tuchman School of Management,Graduate Program Director of Ph.D. in Business Data Science, New Jersey Institute of Technology

Dr. Dantong Yu is an Associate Professor in Martin Tuchman School of Management, and Graduate Program Director of Ph.D. in Business Data Science. He received a BS degree in computer science from Peking University and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University at Buffalo. He joined Martin Tuchman School of Management at New Jersey Institute of Technology in 2016. He also holds guest appointment in the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics at BNL. He founded and led the Computer Science Group in BNL between 2009 and 2016. His research interests include data mining, machine learning, data network and storage. He has published 70 papers in leading technical journals and conferences. He has served on the review panels for NSF, DOE Early Career Investigator and DOE SBIR/STTR. He is the PC member of KDD, ICDM, ICDE, ICCCN, HiPC, and ICPADS.

For a brief description of Dr. Yu's presentation, please click here.