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Here's What Some of Our Partners Have to Say About Us

"The graduate students whom we have recruited through the SPIR program are highly competent, eager to contribute and pleasant to work with. The software they have helped develop will be piloted at several hospitals in New York City later this year, and will eventually be commercialized and lead to improved quality of care for millions of underserved persons in New York and beyond." -- William Tan, President Transcendent International, LLC
Read the rest of this letter (pdf)

I enthusiastically endorse the SPIR program and have recommended it to other local executives. It appears to represent a winning balance representing the interests of the University, Industry and students. -- James M. Maisel, M.D. Chairman, ZyDoc.Com
Read the rest of this letter (doc)

The SPIR program is a definite success, I would certainly recommend that more organizations should hire students for Summer and Fall projects through this program. We are delighted to be associated with SPIR and Stony Brook University and look forward to our continued association. -- John Murcutt, VP Products and Strategy, FatWire Software
Read the rest of this letter (pdf)