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Free IP Certification Course


The National Academy of Inventors offers an access to a free online intellectual property course and certification in partnership with The Michelson Institute for Intellectual Property and NAI Fellow Dr. Gary Michelson. 

The course, entitled "Intellectual Property: Inventors, Entrepreneurs, Creators," consists of 12 modules with a total of 38 lectures that can be taken at one’s own pace. It has been taken by nearly 20,000 online learners across 160 countries and in 41 languages. 

Upon completion of the course, you can take a final exam through the NAI website to earn an Innovation Development Certificate (with a score of 75% or higher). This certificate will confirm your understanding of the following key concepts:

  • Explain the basics of intellectual property policies.
  • Understand how intellectual property protections benefit individual creators, business owners, and entrepreneurs.
  • Describe the relationship between intellectual property protection and economic growth.
  • Discuss the historical origins of intellectual property law in the United States.

Learn more and access the course